It’s been a hotly debated topic in forums, boards and also among traders since a few years: HQI vs. T5 vs. LED lightening. Due to the complexity of LED technology and the proven T5 lightening, the “safe” way of using T5 bulbs is advised again and again. Oftentimes with the note, LED would habe a negative impact on the growth of corals and it would be needed the same wattage (aroun 1W / liter) as well as with T5 lightening and therefor LED would not be profitable at current prices. They say, the costs would not be recouped with the lower power consumption.
Since I used T5 lightening with exactly the same tank set-up (around 1 1/2 years) and now LED (1/2 year), I wanted to compare the costs of both ways of lightening. My considerations assume, that the lamps are bought newly and sold after 3 years with a loss of 50% of the price.
1x ATI sunpower 8x54W dimmable vs. 3x Ecotech Radion Pro
I’m not reffering to the efficiency of the lamps in terms of coral growth, since there are many important other parameters. But as I have a similar rate of growth and colors in the comparison of both lights at the same tank setup. Also, light color, coral colors and more refer to the subjective taste, so I’m only comparing the total costs, which I measured in 24 hours.
First the ATI sunpower dimmable with the configuration I used at that time:
Dimchannel 1 (Blue light, 2x 54W)
7:10 on
7:35 20%
8:15 20%
8:25 off
10:00 on
10:30 100%
21:30 100%
23:10 30%
00:15 off
Dimchannel 2 (Main lights, 6x54W):
11:00 on
12:20 80%
19:00 100%
21:30 off
Consumption data measured in 24 hours:
Maximum watts: 504W
Total 24h: 4.608 kWh
at 0,28€ / kWh:
Electricity costs / day: 1,30€
Electricity costs / month: 39,06€
Electricity costs / year: 468,72€
Costs for bulbs
Aquablue Special (3x): 53,70€
Blue Plus (4x) : 66€
ATI purple Plus: 17,90€
= 1 x all bulbs: 137,60€
Costs for bulbs (changement each 8 months = 1,5 changement / year)
One-time purchase: 137,60€
after 1st year: 206,40€
after 2nd year: 206,40€
after 3rd year: 206,40€
Total costs
Original price ATI sunpower dimmbar 8×54 Watt : 549€ (without bulbs)
Costs 1st year energy & bulbs: 675,12€
Costs 2nd year energy & bulbs: 675,12€
Costs 3rd year energy & bulbs: 675,12€
Overall costs after 3 years including power consumption and purchase: 2574,36€
minus selling price after 3 years: 250€
Total: 2.324,36€
Now in comparison the 3x Ecotech Radion pro
Consumption data measured in 24 hours:
Maximum watts: 169W
Total 24h: 2,14 kWh
at 0,28€ / KWh:
Electricity costs / day: 0,59€
Electricity costs / month: 17,97€
Electricity costs / year: 215,71€
Costs for bulbs
– no –
Total Costs
Original price for 3x Radion Pro: 3.000€
Costs 1st year: 215,71€
Costs 1st year: 215,71€
Costs 1st year: 215,71€
Electricity costs 3 years: 647,13€
minus selling price after 3 years: 1.500€
Total: 2.147,13€
Conclusion of the comparison of T5 & LED:
After three years, 2.324,36€ total costs of a ATI sunpower dimmable are just a bit more than 2.147,13€ of a modern LED lightening.
The power consumption and energy costs of LED are only 30% of the costs of a T5 lightening. Also other costs like bulbs (206€ / year) are not negligible.
A powerful LED light is much more energy saving – with the same coral growth and colors in my case. However, the current very high purchase price recoups very slowly, but significantly over some time. Since the costs for my LED (3x Radion Pro) are very high, there will be much faster savings in total when using cheaper LED modules like for example the Radion G1 or G2.
The savings in total are certainly not that high. T5 lightening is a proven light for seawater aquariums and LED is not yet standard. The savings in power consumption and no expensive tube replacements are greatly reduced by high initial costs.For the decision of T5 vs. LED, which costs are in total nearly the same after 3 years, many other subjective factors like programming, colors, light control etc. have a greater role.
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